1 min read
Di single ke 4 ini FALLEN ROSE ajak vocalist MUSIKAWAN kolaborasi dengan lagu
berjudul STORM. Kali ini berbeda dari lagu-lagu FALLEN ROSE yang sebelumnya dari
segi genre, bahasa dan tatanan musiknya . Bisa dibilang ini lagu FALLEN ROSE yang
idealis , apalagi ditambah dengan penyanyi folk KRESMINOR yang mencoba
bernyanyi EMO dan keluar dari zona nyamannya.
STORM sendiri bercerita tentang seseorang yang terluka dan mencoba
melupakan bencana hatinya sendirian. Lagu ini rilis tanggal 01 september 2020 dan
bisa kalian dengarkan di Youtube FALLENROSE OFFICIAL serta digital platform.
Lirik : I know, that hurts storm has come and gone Leave you and me Ruins but this can't be where I die ## I need someone who protects me from myself and you never can so I moved from this Location Bridge : with a heavy heart alone The memories held me back for so long cause I can't just let you leave Reff: but I know what I have to do survive in this place There is nothing left (there is nothing left) ## I need someone who protects me from myself and you never can so I moved from this Location Bridge 2 : with a heavy heart alone , with a heavy heart alone , with a heavy heart alone , with a heavy heart alone!! Reff** : but I know what I have to do survive in this place There is nothing left (there is nothing left) and I'm desperate rebuild my life from the shards you left my heart on the floor to rot alone (I just have to continue, cause you have left me alone I just have to continue, cause you have left me to rot alone)